Season’ Greetings 2017

Season’ Greetings 2017

The Festive Season is now upon us… 2017 was a year of massive change on many fronts… personally, professionally and even politically! The year seems to have passed by with incredible rapidity, and in its wake we’ve been left with many blessings and memories, as well as the occasional important and sometimes painful lessons.

Amidst the busy-ness and rushing around that comes with this time of year, it will important to make a bit of quiet time to pause; to reflect back on the harvest of special memories, of times we spent with loved ones and friends. As well, to reflect on as many of the good and challenging experiences as possible that we faced this past year…

I’m certain that when I pause for reflection this Festive Season, there will be some things that come easily and naturally, like…

… Appreciating the most important people in my life – Lindsay, Michael, and Marie-Claire, my parents, brothers, and sister
… Appreciating the clients who have trusted me to guide them through critically important family and life decisions…
… Appreciating the great people on my team that I’m blessed to work with – Mike, Enid, Sharen, Carol, our FranNet peers and our head office team who support us so much
… Appreciating those really special people who believe in me unequivocally and constantly challenge me to grow past my comfort zones

I am incredibly grateful for the people in my life who have helped me achieve success; as well, who encourage me to grow from my mistakes and failures. I sincerely hope that as you read this, you are reminded of some of the same type of incredible people in your lives!

So my 2017 Festive Season wish for you is this – as you gather to visit and celebrate with your loved ones, hang out with friends, or when you are sitting alone… may you be blessed with the feeling of intense gratitude for the many blessings you’ve been bestowed with… including those special people in your lives, and those experiences you haven’t yet been able to see as blessings 🙂

May the spirit of this Season bring you Joy and Love
May the Joy and Love of this Season bring you Peace
May the Peace of this Season bring you Hope
May your flame of Hope keep your flames of
Peace, Love, Joy, and Faith ever burning, and
Provide you with the strength to persevere and the wisdom to
Find the lessons that come with each of your successes and challenges.

May Peace, Love, Faith and Hope be with you throughout
the Festive Season, and through all of 2018!

Gary Prenevost

Dec 24, 2017