FranNet Finds Perfect Bond Between Life, Business


The opportunity to showcase FranNet’s satisfied clients is something we’re always proud to do. Not only does it put a personal touch on our services, but it gives our readership the opportunity to see exactly how people come to the entrepreneurial decisions necessary to embark upon their own personal journeys. Without a doubt, there are many out there who may see themselves in the subjects and topics we feature in the blog. Today, we’re going to focus on a very touching story with one of our clients, Wendy Seiler. For Seiler, the journey to owning her own franchise began with a very personal experience.

For over a decade, Seiler had a traditional Corporate America “paycheck every two weeks” kind of job. As a client service IT manager for a mid-sized manufacturing company, she enjoyed the stability of her career and admits to having never considered ownership of a business of her own. “I had never considered a business for myself—felt it wasn’t for me,” she stated. However, two factors were about to simultaneously enter her life that would inexorably lead to a change in thinking.

Like many people across the country today, the stress of geriatric care for parents is a pressing issue. And it became a necessary routine for Seiler in 2007, as both of her parents suddenly needed her assistance. Juggling the myriad of doctors, therapists, pharmacists, decisions—all with the stress of holding down a full-time job soon took a toll. After several years of consistent care, her parents both passed and she found herself with a job that had now been outsourced.

It was time to consider a few life-changing decisions.

Fortunately for Wendy, she made a decision to attend a business ownership exploration seminar run by our very own FranNet Consultant, Luc Deslauriers. With her now-extensive “on-the-job” experience managing health care decisions, she was immediately attracted to a particular franchise concept involving the assistance in finding suitable health care for families and loved ones. The franchise we matched her with is called Assisted Transition. “After my personal experience, then also seeing my friends going through the same sorts of issues with their parents, this solved a definite need on many levels,” said Seiler.

FranNet’s Luc Deslauriers led Seiler step-by-step through the franchise process, which involved copious amounts of research and consultation. Their one-on-one sessions continued to grow. The decision of matching up a candidate with just the right franchise opportunity is the number one priority of FranNet. In this case, the Assisted Transition franchise just happened to be a natural fit.

Wendy Seiler now owns and operates Assisted Transition Senior Living & Care Finders, based in Connecticut. And she’s quite satisfied with the direction her life took after a complicated period of trials, both personal and professional. “I really love Assisted Transition’s concept of being able to help families find the right care for their loved ones,” said Seiler. Placements like these are what make our FranNet consultants beam with pride. There’s simply nothing like a win-win situation. Nothing.

Do you feel that you’re ready to get started? If this article has inspired you to investigate a franchise opportunity, perhaps it’s time for a free consultation with a qualified and experienced franchise consultant. As it turns out, FranNet is just the place! As a franchise consultant company with a great track record of assisting individuals on their path to business ownership, make arrangements to speak with me today.

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