Explore the U.S. Small Business Administration’s Learning Center

Our month of “New Year, New You” continues, as we aim to provide our budding entrepreneurs with the knowledge they need to make the proverbial leap to business ownership of their own. In this edition of FranNet’s blog, we’re going to investigate a resource you may not have heard of, though it comes from the most reputable of sources, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). The SBA is a very franchise friendly organization and has several resources designed to ingratiate you with knowledge and information. But did you know it was neatly packaged under the moniker, the Learning Center? Let’s see what they have to offer…

The SBA’s Learning Center covers hundreds of topics, but for our audience the main resource topic will be—what else? Starting a Business. The SBA’s Learning Center is a series of topics arranged for you to investigate in a self-paced environment. Each of the topics are divided into packaged courses for you to complete. You can choose the subjects which interest you the most, or delve into each and every one of the designed courses. The choice is yours. 

As for those looking into getting into the world of franchising, what topics might apply in this instance? A cursory review shows several which FranNet would deem, “…right down the wheelhouse.” For starters, they include:

Encore Entrepreneurs: An Introduction to Starting Your Own Business, a course is designed for individuals planning to start a business after earlier career endeavors. Sound kind of familiar? There are 10 courses total under Starting a Business, all of which are 30 minutes or less of your time. Other relevant topics in this category include advice on writing a business plan, strategic planning and even a course designed and targeted for women business owners.

When you do click on a particular course, you will also note that the SBA makes a few suggestions of what you might like to learn next. If time is of the essence in your world and appointments are a little harder to come by, the SBA Learning Center can help fill in the gaps in your entrepreneurial education.

Sufficed to say, the SBA Learning Center is a fantastic resource for anyone interested in buying and operating a franchise. Most, if not all, of the topics they cover in their online courses can also be found during a personalized visit with a certified franchise consultant at FranNet. We know that schedules get busy fast, so a combination of information learned through the SBA can help you prepare for your consultations with us.

Now is also the perfect time to mention that the SBA dedicates a portion of their website solely to the world of franchising. It’s also definitely worth your time to investigate. You can visit this dedicated section by following this link.

If 2018 is shaping up to be the year of independence for you, let us know about it. At FranNet, we remain at the ready to assist you in your personal journey to entrepreneurship through franchising. Remember, our services are free and non-obligation. Just a friendly discussion of you, your goals and what you’d like to do in becoming your own boss. If these words are speaking to you, call or make an appointment today so we can be your official guides.

Let’s chat! There’s a local FranNet consultant right in your market who knows that market inside and out – knows the personality of the market – knows the competitive landscape. FranNet has a great track record of assisting individuals on their path to entrepreneurship, and one of our franchise experts would love to provide you with guidance free of charge. Sound like something you might be interested in? Get started here and find your local consultant right now!

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