Franchise Prep: How to Determine Your Personality Type

Here’s a hypothetical situation for you. You’ve spent a successful career in Corporate America. You’ve been promoted multiple times, given more responsibility and eventually landed in a management-level role. Putting your savings aside carefully, you’ve been plotting all along to one day own a business of your own. When the day finally arrives, it’s time to begin the investigative process for franchise concepts. But have you considered how your personality type might mesh with your choice? In an introspective exercise, let’s take a look at how to determine your personality type. It doesn’t take long and the results might even surprise you.

Through FranNet, one can determine their personality type from four different categories: Achiever, Belonger, Emulator, and Societal. Described in detail, here is a rundown of each trait:

Achievers are reliably dynamic, driven and successful, just like the name would suggest. In communication attempts, talking “down” to them is a non-starter. They’re highly suspect of hyperbole, exaggeration, and inconsistencies. They prefer facts, data, statistics, and comparisons.

Belongers are conservative, hard-working and have a strong moral compass. When communicating with this personality type, one should try to connect on an emotional level with them. Belongers require casual conversation and reassurance.

Emulators are ambitious, competitive and have a strong need to appear successful to others. Communicative strategies with this group should highlight admiration and respect for what they’ve already achieved. Because Emulators fear failure worse than anything else, avoid any underestimation of their ability to succeed.

Societal personality types are typically highly educated and have a strong need to foment positive change in their lives and others. When it comes to communicative strategies, you can’t get pushy with them—or they’ll push back. Integrity, humility, and kindness are well received by Societal types. They also have a strong desire to “make a difference”, so communicating their own personal impact on subjects and topics is a winning strategy.

Once you’ve determined your dominant personality trait, you can put it to use in discovering what type of franchise opportunities might be an ideal match than your initial choices.

For instance, if you determine that your personality traits most closely mirror the Societal category, a franchise opportunity in the senior care, child care or pet care industry might become a rewarding experience. Likewise, an Achiever would most likely feel comfortable in a consulting franchise such as financial institution. Emulators, being a very driven type, might appreciate a franchise in a highly competitive arena, such as quick-service restaurants. Lastly, a Belonger may feel right at home with a handyman franchise.

Your FranNet representative can not only help you determine your personality type, but also which franchise concept might match up well with how you work, feel, operate, and measure success. Personalities are a part of us. And right, wrong or indifferent, they help determine our best matches for a healthy environment to thrive in the entrepreneurial world.

Let’s chat! There’s a local FranNet consultant right in your market who knows that market inside and out – knows the personality of the market – knows the competitive landscape. FranNet has a great track record of assisting individuals on their path to entrepreneurship, and one of our franchise experts would love to provide you with guidance free of charge. Sound like something you might be interested in? Get started here and find your local consultant right now!

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