Franchising 101

What is franchising?

Well, most people think that it’s just fast food, dry cleaners, pet stores and hair salons but we are here to tell you, that is not the case. Franchising is a 2.3 trillion dollar marketplace, which encompasses over 3,100 different business models and 80+ different industries.

Who knew?

Well, the next question would be, who would go into franchising?

The types of people who are interested in franchising, or self-employment, range from executives in transition, newly minted MBAs, entrepreneurs, career-seekers or career-switchers. Really, it’s for anyone who would like to be their own boss. The weak economy and current poor outlook in the job market make business ownership more of a reality for many people.

Then why should I use a company like FranNet?

First of all, FranNet is the oldest and most respected franchise consulting group in the U.S.  We currently have over 70 offices throughout North America, as well as one right in Manhattan. We’ve been around 25 years and have a proven system that provides education, guidance and support to individuals who are interested in exploring franchise business ownership as a career option. Meeting with our clients one-on-one in our offices in either central New Jersey or mid-town Manhattan helps solidify the relationship.

FranNet hosts informational workshops and seminars throughout the year, presenting a high-level view of the franchise industry. Our seminars will give the audience the following information:

·         What is franchising – industry overview

·         Franchising, the economy and growth

·         Determining if purchasing a franchise is right for you

·         Reviewing major components of a franchise agreement

Our services our 100% free to clients.

We are paid at the back-end by the franchisor — if, and only if, a candidate decides to move forward and invest in their system. Think of it as an executive search for the franchise industry. If you like what you see here, reach out to us for more information.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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