Introducing the Just Jania Podcast

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Jania Bailey is the fearless CEO of FranNet, having been appointed to the top position back in 2015. Since that time, she’s helped the organization grow to become the largest and most trusted franchise consulting group in North America. In all, she’s been with the company since 2006, and her contributions have been quite notable. Under Jania’s leadership, FranNet released the first Broker Disclosure Document and established a Client Bill of Rights.

Just Jania Podcast Logo

Her contributions to our industry trade group, the International Franchise Association (IFA), are quite noteworthy. Not only has she served on the Executive Board of Directors for six years, but she’s also the current Chairman of the organization’s Membership Committee. In 2019, she was honored as the recipient of the IFA Bonnie Levine Award, for her work with the group as well as her contributions to charitable organizations and the advancement of women in the franchising industry.

Jania is also an accomplished writer and author of two books, the Amazon Best Seller “More Than Just French Fries” and “Thriving—The Journey to Success in the Business World”. So what world is left for her to conquer these days? You guessed it—podcasting!

About a month ago, Bailey launched “Just Jania,” a podcast powered by FranNet. As a host, Jania uses her 20+ years of franchise industry experience to welcome a variety of expert guests to discuss:

  • Industry Trends
  • Spotlight Experts
  • Value of Franchise Consultants
  • Franchising Education
  • Business Ownership Resources

You can hear episodes of the “Just Jania” podcast on Spotify’s Social Geek Radio, home of the top digital marketing leaders and franchise executives. Here is a brief recap of the first four editions:

  • Just Jania hosted a Veterans Day special, with two former U.S. service members who have gone on to establish businesses of their own through franchising
  • Just Jania hosted Rich Spriggle, senior vice-president of Challenger, Gray & Christmas, to speak with him about his firsthand experience with a professional career transition
  • Just Jania spoke with three of FranNet’s top consultants
  • Just Jania did an episode with guest Rocco Fiorentino, CEO of Benetrends and a SCORE mentor

The audience for podcast listeners continues to grow at about 20 million per year. Currently, more than 120 million people in the U.S. tune in to at least one podcast show. If you’re among them, and have an interest in the entrepreneurial life, tune in to “Just Jania” for tidbits of wisdom from one of the top franchising experts in the country. Jania Bailey is a woman we’re proud to call our very own!

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