Sara Waskow: How I Took Charge of My Own Life and Career

For this week’s blog post from FranNet of DFW & Oklahoma, we’re continuing the recent trend of sharing our personal stories. This week, it’s Sara Waskow’s turn and, as you’ll discover, her story is remarkably similar to Roxanne’s – and also the same story of numerous clients we’ve helped become their own boss through franchising.  Sharing our own stories is an important way for our prospects and future clients to know who we are, what motivates us, and how we share a common bond in exploring an entrepreneurial future.

Sara Waskow, who handles our Fort Worth and Oklahoma-based clients and inquiries, tells her story below…in her own words.

Tell us about this seminal moment in your career when you experienced a situation that would eventually change your life. What’s the backstory? What were the circumstances?

“Many years back, I was working remotely for a website and online marketing company, (before that was a thing!). I loved it because it allowed me the flexibility that I needed to be available for my family commitments. I felt very fortunate. At the time, I was working on a salary plus commission basis, but during one stretch, my sales had slowed down. So, one day soon after, I received a call stating that my employer would be cutting my salary in half. Looking back, it seems obvious that the owner decided to use this strategy in hopes that I would resign, rather than have to lay me off. And since I obviously didn’t want to continue doing the same job for half the pay, I took the bait and resigned. Of course, I was worried about the future, but it has turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”

Tell us what decisions you made at the time – and how they helped you start your own entrepreneurial journey.

“Right around this same time, my brother-in-law had been going through the FranNet process and exploring business ownership. I was intrigued, so I submitted an online inquiry about becoming a franchise consultant. Right out of college, I had worked for AT&T, and I’d been missing out on something I loved – community-building business relationships. Once I learned about FranNet and the services they offered, I decided to give it a try. Even still, I had been interviewing for other positions in online marketing. I still clearly remember the fear of leaving a comfortable job where I’d been working for the previous six years. And now I was heading into a completely new industry. But I was bored with what I was doing anyway, and my husband encouraged me to give it a try. I finally recognized that it was time for me to make a change.”

Looking back, would you say you’re happy that you experienced this crossroads in your life? Can you speculate on how your life might be different from today if you hadn’t left your corporate job?

“Taking this chance on myself was the best decision I could have made. Looking back now, I’m actually thankful that I got the nudge (ahead of my schedule) to make a change. I’m so much more fulfilled and have met some amazing people during my 10 years at FranNet. Even if that pay cut hadn’t forced my hand, I feel certain I wouldn’t have continued at my previous job. In the end, the timing was simply perfect.”

In retrospect, tell us what you’re most proud of, in the way you reacted, and especially how you followed through on your commitments.

“I always wanted to be in a place where I could take control of my own future, so I maintained confidence in myself that I could – and would – be successful. When the moment of truth arrived, I embraced the challenge and now I’m a franchisee myself – managing three territories while building up the FranNet brand in DFW and Oklahoma.”

What are your plans for the next 10 years? What advice, or quote, would you give others who will inevitably face a similar situation, especially if the economy takes a severe downturn?

“I hope to continue in this role for the next several years. But if I have any grandchildren, that could change the equation a bit! I hope that my story is something that people can relate to. Knowing what I know now, I would encourage anyone who is underemployed or discontent with their work situation to take the opportunity to invest in their own future. Of course, there are certainly no guarantees in business, but life moves quickly, and it really is too short to be miserable for 40+ hours a week.”

Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes, from Dr. Seuss, “Only you can control your future.”

If you or someone you know would like to explore an entrepreneurial future, there’s no better time than the present. Simply reach out and schedule a no-cost, no-obligation meeting with FranNet of DFW & Oklahoma. We’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs in North Texas and Oklahoma become their own boss and secure a financial future that belongs solely to them. And we can help you do the same! Give us an opportunity to guide your personal entrepreneurial journey, and we’ll introduce you to a whole new world of possibilities through franchise ownership. Getting started with your personal entrepreneurial assessment is easy – just ask us how!

Aug 30, 2022