Women & Franchising: What We Had to Say on the ‘Talking Confidence’ Podcast

Recently we, the dynamic duo at FranNet of DFW & Oklahoma, had the pleasure of appearing on the popular, ‘Talking Confidence’ podcast, hosted by our good friend, Holly Caplan. We met Holly several years ago at a National Association of Women Business Owners (NAWBO) event and became instant friends. The ‘Talking Confidence’ show is dedicated to discussing women’s confidence in the workplace – confronting issues such as fear, uncertainty, interpersonal boundaries, advancement, and dealing with corporate culture. The goal of every episode is to present these topics for discussion and advocate for solutions to help women become the best versions of themselves.

Both Roxanne Rapske and Sara Waskow were hosted for the episode that aired on July 12, entitled “Why Women Should Consider Franchise Ownership.” Of course, this is a topic that’s both dear and near to our hearts and we truly enjoyed the opportunity to share our insight and knowledge with loyal listeners of the ‘Talking Confidence’ podcast. You can catch our full 45-minute episode by following this link. Since we’re both female small business owners, we also took the liberty of revealing some of the perspectives we shared in this podcast episode:

Roxanne Rapske

“I’ve been in franchising for a long time now. But when I first got into this business way back when, it was all men that were my clients. But over time, more and more women have become my clients. They’re realizing there’s more to life than working 9-to-5 for somebody else – especially since the pandemic. They understand that the flexibility and freedom of franchise ownership are similar to working remotely and, once they’ve had it, they realize that more time with their family is an important part of life. It’s opened their eyes to business ownership of their own. Finding the right franchise opportunity is a lot like a dating app and owning one is like a marriage – the fit has to be right for it to work for both parties.”

Sara Waskow

“The FranNet consultation model is built around educating our clients – we help people understand how franchise ownership differs from other avenues to owning a business of your own. We don’t try to persuade clients – we want them to make the most informed decisions that make sense for their own individual situations.”

As noted by our gracious host, Holly Caplan, women are innately a good fit for franchising. Our organizational skills, detail-oriented approach, and ability to prioritize tasks, are all net positives reflected in the rise of female small business ownership. In the last decade alone, the U.S. has seen a 38% increase in women-owned franchises.

If you’re female (or male) and have been thinking about business ownership, we’d like to hear from you. We are uniquely qualified to match your potential with the possibilities that come from small business ownership through franchising. All you have to do is allow FranNet of DFW & Oklahoma to be your guide. Our no-cost, no-obligation consultations have helped hundreds of entrepreneurs in North Texas and Oklahoma secure a future that belongs to them and them alone. If you’d like to get started on your own entrepreneurial journey, we’d love to introduce you to a whole new world of possibilities through franchise ownership.

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