4 Things You Can Do: A Whole New You in 2022

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As we end the final week of 2021, more than a few of us have begun to turn our attention to what lies in store for us in 2022. Perhaps not by looking into a crystal ball or seeking a Tarot card reading but wondering in general what might happen of significance in our lives. Lots of people set out with good intentions by setting up specific new year’s resolutions—with varying levels of ultimate success of course. At FranNet of DFW and Oklahoma, we thought we’d scour the internet for some good old-fashioned advice you can use.

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 In our final blog post of the year, we present, “4 new things you can do to inspire a whole new you in 2022”. These may only be suggestions, but at least we got the rhyming part down pat.

A Pop Quiz?

When you hear the experts say to take stock of the things in your life, do you ever wonder what exactly they mean? How can you take stock of your situation without a clear starting point? We decided to put one in place by inviting you to take a pop quiz. The subject? “What Type of Person Are You?” It should be a fun little exercise to try out, but when you’re ready for the real thing, FranNet of DFW and Oklahoma can introduce you to the Entrepreneurial Readiness Profile. Ask us how!

Goal Setting

Study after study confirms a conclusion that should be obvious. Goals work when you commit to writing them down. So, get that yellow notepad and list off a few of the manageable things you’d like to accomplish in 2022. Is it diet? Exercise? Being more charitable? Don’t just jot down vague descriptions. Write down actual goals. If and when you decide to book a no-cost, no-obligation appointment with FranNet of DFW and Oklahoma, bring your list of goals with you. We’d love the opportunity to review them with you.

Build Your Personal Support Group

Anytime you’re up for meaningful change in your life, you’ll need the support of others to accomplish it. You should begin the year by thinking about those you’d like to invite to be part of your support group. Keep in mind that this isn’t a “Mean Girls” best friend exercise. You should really tap into your extended network of contacts and decide who might have the biggest impact on helping you achieve your goals. Let them know about your situation and ask for their help and participation. Spell out how you’d like for each person to contribute. You’ll be amazed at how flattered most people are when asked to help.

Get a Wall Calendar

Just like writing your goals down, if you want to really make them happen—get a wall calendar. Decide how often you’d like to check in on your progress, but it should at least happen on a monthly basis. Be sure to block off the same time each month and spend the same amount of time reviewing what you’ve accomplished so far with your personal support group contacts.

These four self-improvement ideas aren’t exactly unique. But the application of them in a combined effort is enough to make sure that any change you undertake in 2022 is categorized as “intentional”. Think of it as a journal of progress. Keep careful notes. Log your victories, as well as your setbacks. But keep moving forward. Inspire yourself by imagining what your plan will look like when you read a similar FranNet of DFW and Oklahoma blog a year from now. 2022 just might turn out to be the year that changed everything!

If you’d like to discuss a career transition or discover a life more entrepreneurial, let FranNet of DFW and Oklahoma give you a no-cost, no-obligation assist. If you have a desire to become your own boss, we can help you fulfill it. Each year, we help dozens of North Texans (and Oklahomans!) find a business to own and operate. We’d love to add your name to our roster, so let us know what your thoughts and dreams look like for 2022.

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