When Should You Invest in a Franchise? If you’ve been thinking about franchise ownership but are holding back, you may want to rethink your decision to wait. The reality is that many franchise...
The Franchise Blog
5 “Must Have” Skills to be a Successful Franchise Owner
If you’re thinking about investing in a franchise, the first step is assessing whether or not you would be a successful franchise owner. Many people are excited about the idea of franchise ownership...
What Do Franchise Area Developers Do?
A franchise area developer’s role is to introduce the franchise into a larger region than just a standard franchise territory. Franchise area developers agree to develop multiple units, so sometimes...
Discover Absentee Ownership
More and more professionals are becoming absentee or semi-absentee business owners as a way to maintain the benefits of a job, while creating additional revenue and wealth. What is it? 1. Both job...
Your First Meeting with FranNet
STEP ONE On our FranNet blog, we’ve covered a lot of topics. All are related to the franchise industry, including trends, news and informative articles designed to educate our potential clients...
FranNet Finds Perfect Bond Between Life, Business
The opportunity to showcase FranNet’s satisfied clients is something we’re always proud to do. Not only does it put a personal touch on our services, but it gives our readership the opportunity to...
10 Important Steps to Opening a Franchise
While these 10 steps are certainly not an exhaustive list, they do give a good idea of what needs to get done to start pursuing franchise ownership. Step 1) Self Evaluation The first thing you have...