Part of our role as franchise consultants with FranNet of California is to monitor the current economic outlook in our state. We do our best to keep our finger on the pulse of the local economy...
Business Ownership
Industry Experts Offer Opinions on Recession in Canada
News organizations in the U.S. have been obsessing as of late on whether the country will slip into a period of recession – the technical definition of which is two consecutive quarters of negative...
Get the Facts: Tarrant County Small Business Workforce Recovery Grant Program
We do our best to keep our North Texas and Oklahoma entrepreneurial friends up to date, with news you can use – but we also have an eye on updates that affect current small business owners. In this...
What to Do if You’re Downsized (Again)
All of the talk and attention being paid to the looming possibility of a recession can be a trigger for employees who have lived through one before. Unfortunately, one of the consequences of a down...
Laid off? Here are 9 Important Things to Do Right Away
Having your job eliminated is one of the worst hardships to endure. Regardless of how it’s described -- layoffs, pink slips, furloughs, or the more politically correct term, downsized, it’s an...
Recession-Resistant Franchise Concepts – An Explainer
We’ve discussed the possibility of a looming recession in the U.S. several times in the last few weeks and, by the end of this month, we should have an answer one way or the other. That is, whether...
Getting Clear on Your Business Model
Before joining FranNet, I was a multi-unit operator for one of the well-known national haircare brands, and I operated salons throughout Southwest Florida. The question I often get asked is: How did...
A Closer Look at Canada’s Millennial Franchisors
Franchising – it’s not just for Boomers anymore. While that statement might make for an interesting bumper sticker, there’s quite a bit of truth at stake. In fact, according to Canadian Franchise...
Recession in Texas? Experts Weigh the Odds…and What Happens Next
On the heels of last week’s announcement that inflation rose yet again last month, economic experts are becoming increasingly worried that the U.S. – and the state of Texas – are about to enter a...
U.S. Recession – Will It, or Won’t It Happen?
America seems to be holding its collective breath at the moment, wondering whether or not we’re about to go through the dreaded “R” word, Recession. Applying only a strict economic definition, a...