All of the talk and attention being paid to the looming possibility of a recession can be a trigger for employees who have lived through one before. Unfortunately, one of the consequences of a down...
Laid off? Here are 9 Important Things to Do Right Away
Having your job eliminated is one of the worst hardships to endure. Regardless of how it’s described -- layoffs, pink slips, furloughs, or the more politically correct term, downsized, it’s an...
Recession-Resistant Franchise Concepts – An Explainer
We’ve discussed the possibility of a looming recession in the U.S. several times in the last few weeks and, by the end of this month, we should have an answer one way or the other. That is, whether...
Getting Clear on Your Business Model
Before joining FranNet, I was a multi-unit operator for one of the well-known national haircare brands, and I operated salons throughout Southwest Florida. The question I often get asked is: How did...
A Closer Look at Canada’s Millennial Franchisors
Franchising – it’s not just for Boomers anymore. While that statement might make for an interesting bumper sticker, there’s quite a bit of truth at stake. In fact, according to Canadian Franchise...
Recession in Texas? Experts Weigh the Odds…and What Happens Next
On the heels of last week’s announcement that inflation rose yet again last month, economic experts are becoming increasingly worried that the U.S. – and the state of Texas – are about to enter a...
U.S. Recession – Will It, or Won’t It Happen?
America seems to be holding its collective breath at the moment, wondering whether or not we’re about to go through the dreaded “R” word, Recession. Applying only a strict economic definition, a...
Texans Starting New Businesses at a Record Rate Since the Pandemic
If you’re thinking about an entrepreneurial future in Texas, you’re not alone. At least according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the agency that tracks statistics related to new business filings by...
Say What? Franchise Statistics Reveal the Industry’s Reach
The franchising industry is a booming business sector. The market has been bullish for quite some time now, only to be bolstered by the pandemic and the ensuing Great Resignation in the past couple...
Upcoming Webinar: Franchising Opportunities for the Next Generation
Mark your calendars and make plans to join FranNet of DFW & Oklahoma this Thursday, May 12 from 12:00-1:00 p.m. CDT as we present another action-packed webinar entitled, “Franchising...