Of all the different franchise concepts available today one category continues to be a top performer. I’m talking about pet-related business opportunities. Many of my clients ask about different...
How to Get Involved with the Startup Community in DFW
If you live in the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area and happen to be interested in an entrepreneurial future, we’ve got some good news for you. You’re not alone – not by a long shot. North...
Another Client Success Story: Meet Matthew Relyea
Matthew Relyea was born into entrepreneurship, as his family owned a multi-generational business in Columbus, Ohio that began with his grandfather. However, Matthew was determined to see what...
Calling All Oklahoma Entrepreneurs – Here’s Your Economic Rundown
At FranNet of DFW & Oklahoma, we felt like it was long overdue for our audience to hear more about the economic outlook in the Sooner State. After all, this is an area that got its nickname from...
March is About Female Empowerment. And the Franchising Industry is Here for it.
In case you hadn’t yet heard, March is a big month for female empowerment. It’s Women’s History Month and, last week on March 8, the world celebrated International Women’s Day. FranNet of DFW &...
Lead-Generation is Everything. Here’s What We’re Expecting in 2023
Lead-Generation is Everything. Here’s What We’re Expecting in 2023… Though we’ve now entered the third month of the new calendar year, it’s still a time to review various outlooks in the franchising...
6 Myths About Franchising You Need to Know About
As consultants with FranNet of DFW & Oklahoma, we hear a lot of things from potential clients that demonstrate just how far the franchise industry still has to go in dispelling some of our most...
What to do When Your Career Trajectory Stalls Out
In this week’s FranNet of DFW & Oklahoma blog, we’re discussing what to do when your career trajectory stalls out. And if you happen to be one of the millions of employees who feel that they’ve...
4 Franchising Trends to Watch in 2023
As we turn the page and begin another year, it’s common to break out the crystal ball and make projections. The franchising industry is no different, which is why FranNet’s franchise consultants...
2023 Workplace Trends You Need to Know About
Last year was full of buzz about the “Great Resignation.” Statistically speaking, it was clearly a movement in which Americans voluntarily turned in their own two-week notices – but never before in...