During the investigative process of reviewing franchise concepts, you’ll be introduced to several business opportunities that align with your personal profile, lifestyle, and financial goals. The...
What are the Franchise Growth Sectors?
After you’ve decided to seek business ownership through franchising, the investigative process begins as you choose from thousands of concepts. Because it’s wise to keep an open mind about the type...
FranNet Through the Years…An Unstoppable Force
Over the past three decades, FranNet has become an unstoppable force in the franchising industry. With over 60 affiliated offices in the U.S. and Canada, we’ve grown our brand into the most trusted...
FRANdata Analysis: Restaurant Franchising Could Be a Smart Bet
The restaurant and hospitality industry were among the hardest hit by the global pandemic. Aside from the obvious reason—crowded indoor dining and the risk of a highly transmissible virus—there is...
Another Franchisee Journey…Meet Janet Carmichael
At FranNet, we like nothing more than celebrating the success of our clients. In this edition of our FranNet Testimonial Series, we meet Janet Carmichael of Nashville, TN, who just celebrated her...
A Few Words About the FranNet – SCORE Partnership
This month, FranNet once again renewed our partnership with the SCORE Association. If you’re unfamiliar with SCORE, they’re the nonprofit resource partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration...
What FranNet’s Clients Have to Say About Working With Us…
A recent study by Sapio Research shows online customer reviews rank 3rd out of 12 factors in the consumer buying cycle. It’s a statistic that reveals just how important feedback can be for companies...
Franchising = Freedom. What Will You Do With It?
A few recent studies reveal just how much our attitudes about work have changed since the pandemic began almost a year ago. Remote work seems to have caught on—because according to a Pew Research...
The Ideal Personality for Franchising. Do You Have It?
While franchising can be an ideal way to own a business of your own, not everyone is cut out to be successful, according to their precise business models. Anyone engaged in the investigative...
Are You a Good Fit for Service-Based Franchises?
Many entrepreneurs believe that franchising provides them with the best option to own a business of their own. Of course, there are many reasons, not the least of which is the advantage of following...