Updated April 2024 Franchise laws are in the best interests of franchisors and franchisees as they promote fairness and transparency from both parties while supporting the growth and stability of...
How to Find Your Perfect Franchise Location
Finding the perfect location for your franchise is an important part of its success. If your business doesn’t rely on a lot of foot or vehicle traffic, then you’re probably better off looking for...
Franchising for Veterans
This Saturday, Nov. 11, is Veteran’s Day. We thought we’d remind our readers of the real definition of this solemn observance. As defined in the website, History.com, “Veterans Day is a U.S. legal...
Critical Questions to Ask a Franchisor
At FranNet, we pride ourselves on making sure that our clients are as prepared as possible when it comes time to connect with representatives from the franchise brands we work with. Most of the...
Costs Associated with Starting a Franchise
Updated October 2024 The cost of buying a franchise will widely vary from franchise to franchise. However, there are several costs to consider that are common to most franchise opportunities. While...
Pulling Off Seasonal Promotions
Yesterday was Halloween, the spookiest day of the year for young trick or treaters. Quick quiz—did you happen to run any type of promotion for your customers to play off of this holiday? No...
The Alberta Franchise Act: Provincial Legislation That Protects Franchisees
Updated December 2023 While individual provinces in Canada have the option to create and administer laws related to franchising, there are some parts of the country that don't have any franchising...
What to Ask Current Franchisees When You’re Thinking About Joining a Franchise
As part of your due diligence when researching franchises, you should ask current franchisees in the system about their experiences. In provinces that have franchise legislation that requires...
Understanding the Difference Between Traditional, Non-traditional, Mobile, and Home-Based Franchise Units
A franchise is a franchise is a franchise, right? Not exactly. Many franchises have a single format like a physical, standalone store, while other franchises have a variety of options to choose...
What you Need to Know About Health and Beauty Franchising in Canada
Being fit and healthy and looking good are things that will always remain important to people, which is why the health and beauty industry is always a good bet to get involved in. Fortunately for...