Many entrepreneurs are hungry to start a business of their own but are still hesitant to take that all-important first step. But it isn’t a lack of ambition that’s causing the apprehension. A good...
buy a franchise
FRANdata Analysis: Latest New Concepts Report, Vol. 2
FranNet partner FRANdata, the premier market research and intelligence firm for the franchising industry, is out with another edition of their “New Concept Report." Volume Two has been released,...
FranNet: Our Network is Your Network
Many people are familiar with the proverb that speaks to the value of a network: “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.” Truer words have never been spoken regarding...
FranNet Through the Years…An Unstoppable Force
Over the past three decades, FranNet has become an unstoppable force in the franchising industry. With over 60 affiliated offices in the U.S. and Canada, we’ve grown our brand into the most trusted...
Another Oil & Gas Entrepreneurial Journey: Meet Chad & Stormie Caldwell
With the assistance of FranNet of Houston and the Gulf Coast Region, Chad & Stormie Caldwell became two of the newest Oasis Senior Advisors franchise owners. According to Stormie, who shares the...
Opportunity Knocking! DFW’s Shortage of Storage Units
Sometimes you really have to be paying attention to spot an opportunity in life. And for those of us in North Texas and Oklahoma, this year’s extreme weather is causing ripple effects in our lives...
What FranNet’s Clients Have to Say About Working With Us…
A recent study by Sapio Research shows online customer reviews rank 3rd out of 12 factors in the consumer buying cycle. It’s a statistic that reveals just how important feedback can be for companies...
Franchisor Versus Franchisee: Roles and Responsibilities (Canada)
Before you buy a franchise, it’s important to know the responsibilities that come with it. In today’s post, we break down the roles of franchisee and franchisor, outlining the different...
Learn to Buy A Franchise: Understanding Franchise Fees
Franchise fees are perhaps one of the most misunderstood aspects of owning a franchise. Some entrepreneurs look at a franchise fee as a superfluous expense - something nobody needs during start-up...
You Found a Franchise to Investigate – Now What?
You’ve chosen the franchises that you want to investigate – congratulations – the easy part is over… now what? There are three phases to detailed franchise research, “Franchisor Discussions”,...